Back to work, back to reality

Last month when I was doing some of the creative business entrepreneur journaling stuff – year in review and all – I relaized that I felt like I was in production mode all year in 2015. Not enough time to sculpt new designs, not enough time to play and develop new pieces. So when the ceramics studio re-opened this week, it was nice to get my hands back into clay. And it was nice to play a little bit. 

New clay 1

Celtic knot cabs are destined for The Bead Binge in Cherry Hill NJ. ( March 19 & 20). The larger rectangular pieces? Who knows? Mixed media pieces? Beaded into felted pieces? 

new clay 2

Tree of Life. Triquetras. Triple Spirals… and again some large I’m-not-sure-what-for-yet peices. But I look forward to glazing them! 

new clay 3

These are pressed from an antique cookie mold – you know the Springerle style of shortbread cookies?

New figure WIP

And this lovely lady… muse… goddess will go in the high fire reduction kiln next week. JUST IN TIME for the members show at The Palette and the Page next month! I have a few days to ponder what organic/sculptural elements will be included. She has a nature/woodland/plant theme. 

Now – off to prepare for a much anticipated snow storm. I have books, and coffee, and oh! dog food. Must see that all this house’s inhabitants are cared for as we settle in for the weekend! Until later…  



For the love of lino…

 This week is brought to you from the Dining Room table, my new temporary studio. I am tending a furry kid, who needs darn near constant watching… as he worked long and hard, in stealth, to remove his sutures. He is an angel IF I am in the room. 

DR studio

I have been working on my daily art journal cards – the ones to fill my vintage Rolodex. And I have been carving linoleum. 

Lino desk

There are new Celtic and mythic designs in the works. These lino blocks can be pressed into clay to create a detailed, low relief tile. Perfect for painting! There above – the Uffingtom horse, an ancient chalk figure from Britain. Below: previously carved Celtic knot, swirly cresent moon, with a test print of sorts, and a small triskele, perfect for pendants. 

Love Lino collage

I have always loved linoleum printmaking. And this was a focus of mine in San Diego when my ceramcis studio access was severely limited. I have been incorporating linoleum carved designs into my beads/pendants for a while, but I had a wonderful lightbulb idea… to create prints and tiles in tandem. My original drawings, whether my designs, or historical references; pressed into clay, printed onto paper. Working in a series, different colors, maybe some hand tinted prints. The idea is very exciting to me! (I wont be able to take these to all my shows as some jury processes are more limiting than others… )

Pendant designs

A trio of Celtic designs, all under 2″. I want to test them in clay today! 

Uffington stamp

Working in parallel series – the Uffington horse. Pressed into clay the horse design will be raised, allowing me to easily glaze the background and keep the horse white. 


Ok – off to the studio, I mean the dining room. I love my job! Stay tuned for test prints and test pressings on the FB page ASAP!


New Year. New Table.


Happy New Year. Happy New Years week!

This week is the week I get things ready. Ready to return to work, ready to start the new year, ready, fresh, optimistic… I have a tendency to clean and reorganize which I find cathartic. Cleaning the clutter both inside and out allows for creative growth and inspiration. 

Here is the before:

 before collage

My old and dear IKEA trestle/drafting table. I have had it for…..20 years? But its a board on 2 sawhorses basically. Rickety isnt a strong enough word… I loved that it was so deep and I could have treasures artfully stored within reach. But it wasnt working anymore…

The process: 

cleaning is cathartic?

 The top left pix is the table that is leaving. The other pix show the general chaos, every surface covered…

The results: 

Moved in

 The shallower workbench (thank you Harbor Freight) opens the room up quite a bit. Many thanks to the namelass Grandpa who handed me a 20% off coupon as I was debating the table in the store! The table is rock solid – and was a bear to put together. But my husband was patient… and I love it. Drawers for tools, no carts to slide in and out from underneath. Almost everything in one spot. (Micro torch, enamel tripod etc. are on a smaller tabel across the room, on deck until needed. ) The beloved IKEA table is to the left for collage, journaling, resin etc. 

Many people start the New Year with an introsective post about goals, desires… and a word for the year. I am thinking on these things. I am not in a hurry. A year ago tomorrow I had major surgery and I am thrilled to be NOT there this year. Words I am pondering: journey, health, strength. This New Years Week I always reflect on my 2012 goals and write new 2013 goals as per the sage advice of Alyson Stansfield aka Art Biz Coach. I set up my Year-at-a-glance calendar with shows and deadlines. I clear off the bulletin boards….

This year I am looking forward to Kerry Bogert’sAspire to Wire” class in January; my Coast 2 Coast adventures with Cooky Schock and new mixed media work for shows with my art partner Betsy Mortenson.

The year is dawning brightly!

Pumpkin spice and polymer skulls…

So I think I havent posted for a week. Sorry. It was a busy week. At times I think fall will settle down, when shows are over for the season and I resume my teaching on Saturdays. Not so. FaerieCon is 2 weeks away. I have workshops and classes going on in addition to the regular Sat kids cermaics class. I am thrilled !!! to be a member of the Art Jewelry Elements blog. Working on the October AJE design team reveal, as well as regular blog posts. All good, but busy. So here are a few snapshots for you…

pumpkin spice

The flavor of the season…


From my ofrenda table/altar in the house. And yes – he has a gold tooth!

bee and flower

Last of the harvest…


Waitresses and a happy couple…

polymer sugar skulls

Sugar skulls! Read all the details at the AJE blog or shop for these on Etsy!

Coast 2 Coast piece.

A collaborative piece from me and Cooky Schock. Read more about out shared creative ventures at Coast 2 Coast Creative!

lunar hares WIP

Copper, enamel. faux bone… work proceeding nicely for FaerieCon. 

Steampunk cameos WIP

Steampunk cameos… some with a bit of cheekiness…


So pour a coffee, enjoy the weather on the deck, and stay tuned for more work in progress as I create magic in preparation for FaerieCon!

The goddess and the lunar hare

Faux Bone – just what the name implies, a relatively new material, related to PVA plastic, yet non toxic and high quality. It was launched on the market by Robert Dancik, and I have had it on the workbench for months! Wanting to try shaping, sanding, carving, impressing, staining… this versatile material. So here is the first attempt: 

Faux bone goddess

The ceramic oval on the left is my goddess/poppet. To me She is the self, the soul, the creative muse, the feminine divine. Her shape is inspired by Cycladic idols and other ancient sculpture. I wanted to see her in faux ivory of a sort. The copper acts as a structural base for the piece, the dark rich patina of the copper setting off the subtle tones in the FB. From a design sense it serves as a halo, and allows holes at hands (for attachment to a necklace) and feet ( gemstone dangle, of course!)

Cycladic idol  Nile Goddess (Left: Cycladic Idol, app. 2500 BCE. Right: Nile Goddess, app 3500 BCE)

I was happy with how she turned out, although I am still considering giving her breasts… I turned my focus next to me second favorite of my ceramic pendants – the lunar hare. The  hare is a bit of a totem animal for me, and I am greatly inspired by the many myths of the moon hare. From so many cultures, so diverse, yet illustrating a commonality…

Lunar hare

The crescent on the right – is polymer clay. I was baking some other pieces for the Blue Hen and I made a few crescents to test. While i like the sculptural possibilities – this one is too bulky. I think Faux bone will work best here, too. Other things in progress: 

Copper and nickel silver windows/ frames. Images are sandwiched under mica, tube rivets, stamped words… This was a direct inspiration from Melissa Manley – and although she wasn’t the first to ever use this technique – it is only proper, and respectful to give credit. (Her work is amazing, and I am happy to have studied with her, and to call her a friend. ) The piece on the far left: “Such stuff as dreams are made on…” quoted from “The Tempest” – houses an image of Miranda from a painting by my favorite, John Williams Waterhouse

copper frames pendants

The piece on the right is a bit different. It is carved wood, housing a collage. The collage is set in a plastic lens and resin. The front image is an Irish stamp, copper, and the word ‘Journey’. The back: 

MM bird back

It is an idea I am experimenting with – crating sculptural frames for collage/lens. My text, as always, is from 200+ year old books. It is a meditation of sorts, to thumb through the yellowing pages, eyes flitting and darting, until the right words present themselves to me. Words I would not have chosen; phrases I would not have composed…

I would love to hear your thoughts, out there in the ether. Do you have a personal talisman? A totem animal? 


Wednesday – Work in Progress

Just a quick update – what is actually happening this week? Some people blog a Wordless Wednesday – here is a Work-in-progress Wednesday. I try to be in the ceramics studio on Mondays and Wednesdays. I work at home the other days – on everything from mixed media, glazing, jewelry…

So here is the clay in progress: 

Celtic flora tiles

Here are the initial sculpted pieces – a set of tiles depicting the four Celtic plants. (Scottish thistle, Irish shamrock, Tudor rose, and Welsh daffodil.) They are rough at this stage, and obviously one tile short. When the clay is a bit dryer and firmer, I will carve in details and neaten everything up in general. The shamrock is tough, it is such a simple plant, I may take out the four leaf and enlarge it even more. They are 5″ square, and will be ready for fall shows. 

Yesterday was a glazing day. I moved things up to a temporary spot in the dining room; it was too lovely a day to be in the basement for hours. (Now when it gets hot – I love the basement!)

goddess pendants

From an Indian goddess icon, these are half way there. The color to bring out the details and a transparent glaze will be applied over that. 


I wish I could say I got all these done! – but they are also awaiting their clear transparent coat of glaze…

Milagro pendant WIP

These milagro eyes are my current favorite. I have a finished one I wear almost every day… 😉

But there is more to be done:  the chipmunks for Robert, the buttons for Noelle, and the molds for Cooky… and that glazing to finish. Back to work. Maybe I will load the kiln before dinner…


Bead Table Wednesday…

(I was procrastinating doing a blog entry because I am behind on my A to Z entries. Well, that’s silly. I am so far off the original schedule! I will do them, I will, but not today.)

Today is Wednesday – Bead Table Wednesday – a Flickr group devoted to whats currently on your table, in all it’s mess – or glory. First – the overview. I have a dozen or so vintage mix-matched saucers, often stacked up with the equally vintage muffin tins. There is a tray of finished work, awaiting photos and Etsy. There are seed pod slices/beads on my sketchbook, I think they are headed to a bracelet, myself. 

BTW overview

Next, a detail of a saucer. I have been experimenting with enameled components on brass mixed media lockets. I haven’t done any collages inside yet. To the left are resin samples for the class I am teaching next week. 

mixed media saucer

Here is a piece I am falling in love with. I have half a dozen or so of these brass book lockets. This one has the word “Fate” tube riveted on, and a key – stitched on with linen thread. (Sorry it is so dark…)

Book of fate

And last – but not least – a quartet of “Mojo” necklaces. These are a bit collage-like, a bit gypsy, a bit eclectic. I love them! They will be finished with copper chain – since the pendant has enough going on in it already… (From top left: Gypsy Spirit, Weave enchantments, Fae Maid, and Sea Siren)

Mojo necklaces

And let me leave you with a glimpse of the work in progress from the ceramic studio: 

Labyrinth detail

More on that later! Perhaps my new Wednesday’s will be “Work-in-progress” Wednesdays… Hmm. I like the sound of that…

BTW and The Sketchbook Challenge

I was listening to a podcast recently, and I am sorry to not give credit, but I forget which one… ( Craftypod? Craftcast? Art and Soul Radio? ) But the artist was musing on electronic social networking. For an artist working in solitude in the studio, chat groups, discussion boards and the like are a great way to combat the alone-ness. Sharing ideas, posting pictures, discussing materials and techniques all feed and fuel the creative machine. I do a bit of this. Facebook is my social network of choice, I dont tweet often… but  I love Flickr. And this year I have become involved in 2 Flickr groups that I find highly satisfying, keeping me linked to my colleagues, and seeing what else is going on out there…

The first is BTW – Bead Table Wednesday. Created by Heather Powers of Humblebeads, it is a peek into your space, on your table, that day. No tidying, no glam shots, just “What are you working on today? ” Over a hundred members, crafters, professionals, glass, polymer, wire, clay… a diverse group. Here is my BTW shot this week: ( Yup, a day late. )

BTW waiting for resin

Miscellaneous pieces waiting for resin. The lockets are almost done – The outsides have elements added, the insides were resined with items, and the inside cover has vintage dictionary text, the last element. The deep open bezels  – I won them at Art Bliss  last Sept. I have found shells that fit inside…

This picture is tough to see, I know. Some of the stamped copper components have been antiqued and not polished, making them dark and moody. These pieces will all be pendants with gemstones and charms, ready for RenConII: THe Mythic Faire in a few weeks. 

copper components


The other group, I found in January, a wee bit late. Called the Sketchbook Challenge – its so simple it is brilliant… A group of collage and mixed media artists decided to create a group. Each month a theme is posted, work in your sketchbook as inspired by that theme, and share your pages via the Flickr group. Each month there are posts by the host artists, and a give away of materials from the sponsors. And it is free. For me it is the perfect mix of incentive and relaxed schedule, of freedom, personal interpretation, and community. Again – it is a group ranging from novices to professionals, with support not competition. A few years ago I was working on an artist’s journal – and by that I mean a journal of art, collage, doodles, paintings not my normal journal of reference notes, planning sketched, project ideas, article snippets… That artist’s journal – I was doing a 2 page spread weekly, and it was a very rewarding experience. When it ended I attempted another, but the spark was gone. I think the Sketchbook challenge is rekindling that spark nicely…

February’s theme was “Opposites”. I was thinking large/small and one/many. 

Feb sketchbook  FEB detail

Is is refreshing to just play. To not wonder if this will turn into an idea worth pursuing, just to make marks and use materials, and play. It actually makes my art work time more productive…

And now for something completely different…

Sometimes a simple thing means the world. 

The ceramics studio where I work is called the Art Studio. Its a community center, offering classes in a wide array of media. We even have a full weaving studio – floor looms, the real thing. And it attracts a diverse group of people. During the days, it is people with flexible schedules, people who have retired, and me. We work, and chat a bit… ( I for one can’t chat and work. I need to be in the zone.) We share finds, recipes, book recommendations, the like. I was discussing a recipe and I mentioned that I was going to go to the Indian grocery to get Garam Masala for a butternut squash I wanted to roast… Another friend was discussing saffron…

My friend Vinita stepped in – an angel of spices!

Vinita's spices

She brought me store-bought; and made me homemade! She may have been a bit amused at my need to buy it – since she has always made her own… 


Cumin seed, peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon, and two different cardamom pods. It smells divine. 

She is so sweet and thoughtful – she brings me scraps of sari fabric from her tailor whenever she goes back to India for a visit. Her artwork is amazing: right now her Etsy shop is empty after the holidays… She does one of a kind watercolor cards. And gorgeous ceramics of course! (Maybe I can add a few pictures in the future…) Thank you Vinita for your thoughtfulness and generosity!!!



Forgive me blog readers, for it has been 7 days since my last posting…

I was really getting into the swing of my new schedule. Clearly it wasnt routine yet, though. Last week I had  head cold, and after my latte post I pretty much retreated. Hibernated. Withdrew. Holed up. I was foggy, and lethargic, and didnt have a thing to say…

So the A to Z post for “B” is missing. And I will sneak it in there some time in the near future. Look for the first of the 2 “B” entries tomorrow. 

Since I was last here – we have gone from this: 

Oscar's tree

to this: Oscar in snow

And I have been loving the time housebound – spending it in the studio. I have many items to list on Etsy tomorrow morning…

Tray of hearts

And thats just a few! My favorite is the far left: dark brown and teal on the ceramic heart, apatite, smokey quartz above. It says “Amor”.

 I will be listing necklaces and ceramic components. First time listing the pieces as materials – as opposed to finished pieces. 

I look forward to next week. I dont mean to wish the weekend away, but I will be glad to be back in the studio, back to reality. Between my cold and the snow – I have had a chance to retreat, now its time to get out there again…  I leave you with one more snowy image…

Dryad - snow cloaked