Spoutwood May Day Faerie Festival: muddy mayhem


This was my 6th year vending at the Spoutwood May Day Faerie Festival. I fell in love the first time I stepped on the farm. Its hard to describe to a newbie what a sense of magic and community and wonder this place, and this event creates… The event celebrates Spring, and awakening of Nature, and all things faerie/fantastical/mythic. The community is inclusive, welcoming, non-judgmental, and supportive. I have made life long friendships there with artists, actors, musicians…


This year – for the first time in its 26 year history – the festival had to close early. From the official Spoutwood site: “For the first time in 26 years, the May Day Fairie Festival had to cancel the final day, Sunday May 7, due to safety issues. Although we understand that some of you may be disappointed you did not get to attend, please know that our team is heartbroken, and currently working on recovering from the devastation of the cancellation. Please bear in mind that this annual event is not only a fun celebration, but it is also the primary fundraiser for Spoutwood Farm Center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational farm. Fairie Festival supports the Farm’s operations year-round.” This was due to excessive rain & treacherous conditions that made the grounds and the neighboring parking area unsafe.

As an artist – I take this risk with outdoor shows, I understand that. But this is my primary income and vendors all suffered significant losses. The Farm itself suffered physical and financial trauma from the weekend. We as a community are reeling from it all.

Hours upon hours spent alone in the studio “making” and there is a loss of interaction with customers on top of the loss of sales. My pieces are extremely personal; I put a bit of “me” in them. It is a relationship, a give and take between artist and customers that can satisfy, and nourish in a way. The excitement of new work! Only to fall flat with no audience.

The less obvious loss we all feel is time. Time spent with our friends, our tribe, our kindred spirits. I have great friends locally, from college, etc. but these mythic makers are my soul mates! There is a festive atmosphere to gather together, first show of the spring… to catch up, share new work, ideas… to simply be together. Its often as if no time has passed at all. I feel that my reward for my solitude has been taken from me.

But this is life. We are a rather resilient bunch, and we will keep making. We will have reunions at future shows… If you are a Spoutwood veteran and would like to donate, the Farm could use your help! ( Click here!) If you are searching for that perfect gift – shop your local artists and makers. Or shop from the Spoutwood family of vendors.

I myself am slowly recovering from cold, wet, mud and the like. Ill be updating my Etsy ASAP and preparing for my next show… Until then, thanks for listening.


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