January Component of the Month reveal – Winter Woodland

Welcome to the first Component of the Month for 2017. The Art Elements team is a depth of camaraderie and inspiration: this month  the shaped leather cabs were contributed by our own Lindsay Starr of Phantasm Creation. You can read all about her process on the Art Elements blog. 15741073_10211946813652467_2241458521480113927_n

I received the green and blue cab on the bottom far right. I love the shape – and although it was a little darker once sealed for protection – it had me thinking deep ocean. At first. Then this happened – The colorful ceramic plate is the work of Clarice Cliff. A British pottery designer of the 30’s, Cliff is well known for her colorful Art Deco style. It was the tree shapes that got me…

The cab became a tree top scattered with flurries of snow. I cut a leather trunk and know one of Rebekah’s sleepy critters was going to be incorporated. The owl? The badger? As you can see here the fawn won. ( Rebekah/Tree Wing Studio on Etsy)

I needle felted the landscape onto a piece of “pre-felt” and had to add a few curly locks. Because curly locks are like felt candy! I am really pleased with the sky colors. Here in Delaware it is so often grey when it snows, so its artistic license!

And now – to bead. Here is the finished piece. It measures maybe 4 x 6″? I haven framed it yet…


Winter Woodland mixed media tapestry

I feel that I have captured the silent serenity of a woodland snowfall. It was a pleasure to work with both Lindsay’s piece and Rebekah’s!
Please stop by our blogs, and our guests this month! I look forward to hearing your impressions on this piece.




AE Writers:









Jenny ( you are here)




Sleepy critters by Rebekah of Tree Wing Studio.

17 thoughts on “January Component of the Month reveal – Winter Woodland

  1. Claire says:

    How lovely and dreamy! I love it and it made me smile 🙂 (and if I would see it in real, it is one of the art pieces I would be so tempted to touch, especially the locks, they look so soft!)


  2. beadlove says:

    You really did capture that serene snowfall feeling. I love this piece. It’s amazing what people see in the cabs – trees, jellyfish! That is what is so exciting about them.


  3. lesleyhw says:

    Well you just know I adore this! Love the Clarice Cliff inspiration and converting it into a soft winter palette is inspired. It’s delightful.


  4. niky sayers says:

    Jenny, I love it dose not even come close to how I feel about this piece, Just…. spectacular! I love the colours, the mixed media and that it gives off a wonderful safe and calming feeling. (for me all the best pieces of art give off strong emotional feelings)!


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