On golden wings… AJE Component of the Month reveal

<sigh> I havent posted here in a month! I have many things to show you, and I will try to get caught up this week. But for today: 

AJE Component of the Month! On Gilded wings… 

Gilded wings

Caroline of Blueberri beads is responsible for the beautiful treasures the AJE team is working with this month.  These ceramic moths have flown across the Atlantic in droves? a flock? ( What does one call a gathering of moths?) As with Melissa’s enameled heart last month – my first response was color. The gold called for burgundy, in an opulent, Victorian/Pre-Raphaelite palette. I wanted this large focal to be a dramatic statement piece worthy of a PRB “stunner’. In my mind’s eye it was to be worn with velvet… 

DGR Monna Vanna

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Monna Vanna, 1866 


JWW Crystal ball


John William Waterhouse: The Crystal Ball [with the skull] – 1902

So here is my creation: a relatively simple triple strand of pearls and garnets. The back is finished with a ribbon of sari silk. Gilded Wings CoM1


Gilded Wings CoM2

Gilded Wings CoM3

I wire wrapped connectors with colored Parawire to link the strands to the fiber element. ( Thanks to Kerry Bogert for that inspiration!) I was away for a large chunk of March and was delighted to arrive home knowing this was waiting for me. While my piece is simple – its true to the feel of aht I envisioned. Right now its rather long at app 24″ I may need to shorten it a bit… and there is a place I could add a dangle at the bottom of the wings. I am still debating that. I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

Please visit the blogs of my AJE team mates and our guests this month to see their pieces incorporating this lovely ceramic focal! 

Guest Artists

The AJE Team

Caroline Dewison – http://www.blueberribeads.co.uk 

Diana Ptaszynski – http://www.suburbangirlstudio.com

Susan Kennedy – http://www.suebeads.blogspot.co.uk

Kristen Stevens – http://kristen-beadjourney.blogspot.com/

Keirsten Giles – http://cerebraldilettante.blogspot.com

Melissa Meman –  http://melissameman.blogspot.co.uk

Rebekah Payne – www.treewingsstudio.com

Lesley Watt – http://thegossipinggoddess.blogspot.co.uk

Linda Landig – http://www.LindasBeadBlog.com